Student participated in “Girls in Control”, a programming class for girls, as staff

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Ms. Minami, a master course student, participated as a student staff member in Girls in Control, which was a joint event held at IFAC World Congress 2023, an international conference in the field of automatic control. Girls in Control is designed to offer programming classes to introduce control engineering concepts to girls aged 10-15 in elementary and junior high schools. University faculty and female students specializing in control engineering are involved in the operation of the event.

A word from Ms. Minami: “I believe that the students enjoyed learning about control engineering through the interactive Scratch programming session and control demonstrations. I was happy that so many children participated!”

– Programming Class for Girls | IFAC 2023 – 22nd World Congress (in Japanese)

Photo: Ms. Minami adjusting a control device used in a lab course at Keio University. 

Contact regarding to this article

Yutaka Hori, Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics, Keio University